
People idolize many things. People worship many things. Some worship material things such as money, vehicles, buildings, or clothes. Some worship athletes, singers, movie stars, or politicians. Others worship gods of nature, mythological beings, religious leaders, or even their own ancestors. Still others worship fame, recognition, power, or accomplishments.

Whatever you put as primary place in your life, that is what you worship. All of the other things of life revolve around that object of worship. Who or what do you worship?

As Christians, we worship God. He is the Most High God. He is eternal. He is sovereign over all. He is our creator. He is that than which nothing greater can be thought or imagined. He is supreme.

We worship God because He is worthy. He created us, giving us the very breath of life. He sent His Son Jesus to live a perfect life, to pay the penalty for our sins on the cross, and to rise from the dead. When we turn away from sin and trust in Christ, He forgives us, cleanses us, and gives us new life. He changes us forever and guarantees our eternal home in heaven. He is worthy!

We worship God in spirit and in truth. Some people believe that worship is about a certain place, and that worship can only happen there. But the reality is that God is everywhere, so everywhere we go we can worship Him. We worship Him in spirit and in truth — with our whole heart, with our mind, with our soul, and with our strength. Let us set our mind’s attention and our heart’s affection on worshiping the Lord.

We worship God in response to His love for us. We have a desire to worship God because He first loved us. Our worship of Him is evidence that we have a relationship with Him. He has created us, saved us, and through His Holy Spirit drawn us to Himself. We worship Him in response to His love.

We worship God in many ways. We sing to Him, we declare His goodness, we pray to Him, we give offerings to Him, we serve Him, we serve others in His name, we sit quietly before Him, we praise Him with instruments and dancing and shouting, we tell others the good news of Jesus Christ. The list goes on and on. Our lifestyle of truth-telling, faithful-living, kindness, and love shows everyone that we worship Him. When we gather with other believers, we worship Him. We worship Him in many ways.

When we worship God, He changes us. In Psalm 73, the Psalm writer is having a difficult time. He is observing that people all around him who are not devoted to God seem to be flourishing. They seem healthy and happy, with lots of money and lots of friends. They don’t seem to have a problem in the world. He is really struggling with this. In verse 17, we see that something happens that changes His perspective. He enters the sanctuary of God. When he does that, he is reminded of the eternal destiny of the wicked, those who do not love God. Their eternal destiny is destruction, torment, and suffering. Their health, money, and parties come to a crashing end. This Psalm shows us the power of worshiping God. When we worship God, we get the right perspective. Our times of worship remind us of what is most important — God. They remind us that knowing Jesus and living our lives for Jesus is what really matters. We worship Him. We love Him with our whole being. He changes us so that we love God and we love people the way Jesus does. And we live our lives to glorify Him.

2 thoughts on “Worship

  1. Thanks Derek for another awesome Godly message. 

    JohnSent from my iPhone


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  2. Progress needs to be made from head knowledge to heart knowledge. Total surrender is the ultimate goal. Worship flows freely.

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